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Northern Research Station
11 Campus Blvd., Suite 200
Newtown Square, PA 19073
(610) 557-4017
(610) 557-4132 TTY/TDD

You are here: NRS Home / Research Programs / Sustaining the Diversity and Productivity of Appalachian Forests
Diversity and Productivity of Appalachian Forests


The Northern Research Station has realigned our staff from 37 Research Work Units and Programs into 14 new Research Work Units.

RWU-4353 is now part of NRS-1, Ecological and Economic Sustainability of the Appalachian Forest in an Era of Globalization.

Our Mission

To understand natural and human-induced influences on the sustainability of central Appalachian forest ecosystems, and to provide guidelines for managing these forests to maintain or improve the productivity and diversity of the soil, water and forest resources.


Our researchers are working to develop

  • Ecologically sound silvicultural alternatives for intensive management of Appalachian forests to provide diverse forest products (e.g., hardwood lumber, tourism opportunities, wildlife habitat) and maintainining or restoring the integrity of ecosystem processes (e.g., biological productivity, maintenance of biological diversity).
  • Basic quantitative information about important ecosystem processes and components and the impacts of both chronic stresses and acute disturbances on these.
  • Tools to better assess and/or mitigate soil and water changes attributable to forest management and associated activities.

and to

More Information

This site is under development as the Forest Service brings together the Northeastern and North Central Research Stations to form the Northern Research Station, serving the Northeast and Midwest. Check back often as we expand our site to reflect our combined commitment to supporting the natural resources and people of the Northeastern and Midwestern United States.

For more details about our research visit

Last Modified: 12/21/2007