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Northern Research Station
11 Campus Blvd., Suite 200
Newtown Square, PA 19073
(610) 557-4017
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You are here: NRS Home / Research Programs / Wildlife and Fish Habitat Relationships in New England Ecosystems
Wildlife and Fish Habitat Relationships


The Northern Research Station has realigned our staff from 37 Research Work Units and Programs into 14 new Research Work Units.

RWU-4251 is now part of NRS-7, Center for Research on Ecosystem Change.

Our Mission

To determine relationships of fish and wildlife and northeastern forest types and their management. within forest landscapes and streams in the northeastern United States.


Our scientists currently are conducting research on the:

  • Ecology and habitat of wildlife
  • Ecology and habitat of Atlantic salmon and trout
  • Ecology of woodland vernal pools
  • Management impacts on wildife and fish habitat

Current Recruitment

Our RWU is currently recruiting for a post doctoral position through the University of Massachusetts. This Sustainable Forest Management Fellow would work with one or more NRC faculty or USFS scientists to conduct forest conservation research that captures the continually emerging forest values of the northeastern US. The Fellow will also teach one course per year at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level. The salary is $35K for year 1, $37K for year 2. In addition, we will provide up to $10K per year for research support. Suitable topics include (but are not limited to): forest-wildlife relationships, effects of forest management on water quality and aquatic ecosystems, impacts of landscape change at urban-rural interfaces, and the design of watershed management and restoration techniques. Qualified candidates will have a Ph.D. in forestry, natural resources, biology, or another closely related field, as well as skills in publishing research manuscripts and obtaining external grants. Candidates should provide 3 letters of reference, potential NRC or NRS faculty collaborators, and teaching interests, along with a current CV and a research letter of intent (no more than 2 pages) which includes an overview and summary budget for the $10K in research funds. Applicants are encouraged to contact faculty members and potential collaborators during the application process. Potential Forest Service collaborators and their research include

Please send application materials (electronic submission acceptable) to: Dr. Todd K. Fuller Natural Resources Conservation 160 Holdsworth Way University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003-9285

For information on application procedures, see

More Information

This site is under development as the Forest Service brings together the Northeastern and North Central Research Stations to form the Northern Research Station, serving the Northeast and Midwest. Check back often as we expand our site to reflect our combined commitment to supporting the natural resources and people of the Northeastern and Midwestern United States.

For more details about our research visit

Last Modified: 12/21/2007