National Association of Conservation Districts

National Association of Conservation Districts

NACD's mission is to serve conservation districts by providing national leadership and a unified voice for natural resource conservation.

News Release



RENO—February 13, 2008—The National Association of Conservation Districts’ new President is John Redding, a landowner from Monroe, Georgia.

Redding was elected to serve a one-year term by NACD’s Board of Directors in a special election resulting from the passing of 2007 NACD President Olin Sims.

“I’m humbled by the opportunity to lead NACD under these circumstances,” said Redding. “I am committed to carrying out the association’s vision—to help NACD serve as America’s Voice for Natural Resource Conservation.”

Redding owns a 400-acre farm where he raises cotton, peanuts and pine trees. He has been involved with conservation districts since his election as a conservation district supervisor in 1978. He was elected to national office in 2004. In addition to his work with districts, Redding has served as the Agency Manager of Georgia Farm Bureau Insurance in Walton County since 1970.

The NACD Board also elected President Elect Steve Robinson, a farmer and business operator from Marysville, Ohio.
Bob Cordova, a rancher and longtime conservation district official from Colorado Springs, Colorado will continue his term as Second Vice President.

Replacing Redding as NACD Secretary/Treasurer is Gene Schmidt, a farmer from Hanna, Indiana and a long time champion of NACD’s Stewardship and Education efforts.

President Redding said NACD has a busy year ahead. “We are still waiting for a final Farm Bill from Congress, we’re working on and exciting education partnership with the Smithsonian Institution and the Soil Science Society of America, we’re sorting through results of our recent Urban Survey to gain direction for our non-farm members, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg,” Redding said. “NACD has a lot on our plate but our new leadership team is up to the task.”

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The National Association of Conservation Districts is the non-profit organization that represents the nation’s 3,000 conservation districts and 17,000 men and women who serve on their governing boards. For almost 70 years, local conservation districts have worked with cooperating landowners and managers of private working lands to help them plan and apply effective conservation practices. NACD’s website is at