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America Counts - A program equipping teachers to teach challenging mathematics, supporting high-quality research on best practices of mathematics teaching and learning; and building a public understanding of today's mathematics [Department of Education (ED)]

Directorate for Education and Human Resources - Provides leadership in maintaining and enhancing the quality of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education [National Science Foundation (NSF)]

Education and Outreach - A collection of educational materials for teachers, parents, and students featuring valuable learning tools on the varied aspects of agriculture, health, nutrition, and science. [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS), National Agricultural Library]

Energy Education - Contains links to educational and training resources on energy, particularly energy efficiency and renewable energy. [Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)]

Integrated Science and Engineering Resources Data System - Provides quick and convenient access to a wide range of statistical data focusing on U.S. universities and colleges and their science and engineering resources [National Science Foundation (NSF)]

Nation's Report Card: Science - Assesses America's student achievement levels and gauges subject-matter achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment for student populations and subgroups [National Science Foundation (NSF)]

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) - Collects and analyzes education-related national and international data including reports and assessments on early childhood, elementary/secondary, international, library, and postsecondary [Department of Education (ED)]

National Center for Improving Student Learning and Achievement in Mathematics and Science (NCISLA) - Along with providing instructional resources for K-12 teachers, the Center has an intensive research program to advance effective reform in the classroom and in professional education [Department of Education (ED)]

National Institute for Science Education - Determine 'best practices' in professional development for K??2 science, mathematics, engineering, and technology teachers [National Science Foundation (NSF)]

National Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education Digital Library (NSDL) - Online network of learning environments and resources for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education [National Science Foundation (NSF)]

National Streamflow Information Program - Home page describing the operation and maintenance of 7000 streamgages, overview of the program, system for collection of streamflow data, maintaining of historic streamflow data, and available reports [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)]

R: - Official U.S. Government website including recalls from various Federal Agencies [Multiple agencies involved]

Research Reports from the National Research and Development Centers - Research reports and publications. [Department of Education (ED), Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI)]

SRS: The Division of Science Resources Statistics - Provides a central clearinghouse for collecting, interpreting, and analyzing data on scientific and engineering resources [National Science Foundation (NSF)]

Science education (NIH) - Science education resources and services [Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), National Inst. of Health (NIH), Office of Science Education]

Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT) - A comprehensive and integrated system of information about the employment, educational and demographic characteristics of scientists and engineers in the United States [National Science Foundation (NSF)]

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) - Information about mathematics and science achievement [Department of Education (ED)]

What Works Clearinghouse - Provides educators, policymakers, researchers, and the public with a central and trusted source of scientific evidence of what works in education. [Department of Education (ED)]