GardenShare News

Wes Jackson, a noted pioneer of sustainable agriculture, will be the featured speaker at GardenShare's annual Local Harvest Benefit Dinner on November 13th. The dinner is now full - folks can come to hear Wes Jackson at 7:00 for $5. more...

CSA Workshop
Farmers in St. Lawrence County, New York, are invited to a GardenShare workshop: “Growing Your Own CSA Farm: Strategies for Success in Community Supported Agriculture." more...

GardenShare's CSA Study
GardenShare commissioned a study to learn how Community Supported Agriculture is faring in St. Lawrence County. To read the report, click here

EBT Dollars Doubled!

A new program at the Canton Farmers’ Market enables EBT/food stamp shoppers to double their buying power of locally grown food this summer.. more...

2008 Local Food Guide

GardenShare's annual guide to the best food born and raised in St. Lawrence County is now available. more...

Barbara Damrosch
The New Strategies Project of the NYS Farm Viability Institute is sponsoring a three-day event celebrating the progress of farmers and community in establishing direct marketing connections. "Local Foods Connections: Opportunities and Challenges in the North Country" will bring Barbara Damrosch, author of "The Garden Primer," and Shannon Hayes, author of "Grass-Fed Gourmet," to three venues in May. more...





About GardenShare

GardenShare is a non-profit organization working to end hunger in northern New York State, a region called the North Country.

GardenShare works to build a North Country where all of us have enough to eat and enough to share—where our food choices are healthy for us, for our communities, and for the environment.

Toward that end, GardenShare focuses on the following areas:

North Country residents can keep in touch with these activities through a free subscription to the quarterly GardenShare newsletter.


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