Organic Certification

ISDA Organic Seal

Look for the State of Idaho Organic Certification Seal on the products you buy as a symbol of the producer's commitment to organic farming. The Idaho Certified Organic label has the full force of law behind it as well as the support of the Idaho Organic Alliance, the Idaho Organic Feed Growers Association and the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA).

In 2002, the ISDA received its accreditation as an organic certifying agency by the United States Department of Agriculture National Organic Program. For organic certification, a producer/handler must submit an application, pay a nominal application fee and undergo an on-site inspection. If all requirements are met, the producer/handler is then certified as organic for the crops grown.

The organic certification program is designed to give the consumer assurances regarding the term "organic" when it is used in the marketing and labeling of food products. Certification also benefits Idaho organic producers by facilitating the development of out-of-state and out-of-country markets for their Idaho certified organic products.

Certification Process

Program registrants submit to the ISDA an application, appropriate fees and a producer/handler organic plan with maps. Accurate recordkeeping is required. An inspector will visit each farm or handling operation during the growing season and samples may be taken for pesticide residue analysis. Additional unannounced on-site inspections may be conducted.

Application Form (pdf)

A Resource Guide outlining Idaho's organic rules, regulations, materials list and generally accepted cultural practices is available through the Idaho State Department of Agriculture for $15.00. This fee covers the cost of development and reproduction.