Department of Agriculture & Markets

  Organic Farming Information Center
Sarah Johnston, (518) 457-4531

New York State Organic Farming Resource Center

This webpage provides an introduction to New York State organic farming and food and provides some guidance in locating resources available to learn more about organic agriculture and organically produced foods.

Organic Certification Fee Reimbursement Program

New York State Organic Farming

  • What does “Organic” Mean?
  • Organic Farming in New York State Today

How to Become Certified Organic
  • Certification Regulations
  • Who Must be Certified
      Crop & Pasture Certification
      Dairy Farm Certification
      Livestock Certification
      Processor Certification
  • Organizations Providing Organic Certification Services
  • Organic Certification Fee Reimbursement Program

Marketing Organic Crops

  • Resources for Marketing Organic Products
      Organic Pricing
      Organic Milk Buyers
      Direct Marketing
      Potential National Buyers
      Overseas Markets & Certification Requirements
  • Wholesale Processing Market

Certified Organic Farm Production in New York State

  • Certified Organic Farm Production in New York State
  • Crops by Acres in Organic Production in 2005
  • Industry Growth

Consumer Information

  • Organic Labels
      “100% Organic”
      “Made with Organic Ingredients”
  • Organic Farm Requirements in Brief
  • Organic Farming & Pesticides
  • Organic Milk Production
  • Organic Meat Production
  • National List of Non-Organic Food & Feed Additives & Prohibited Substances
  • Organic Farms that are not Certified Organic
  • Genetically Modified Organisms & Organic Foods
  • Natural Foods are not Necessarily Organic

Finding Organic Food and Farms Near You

  • New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets services
  • Resources for Locating Organic Farms
      Organic Certification Organization Lists
      Regional Farm Listings

Community Supported Agriculture and Organic Farming

  • Is a CSA organic if it isn’t certified organic?
  • Resources for CSAs

Organic Farming Organizations and Activities in  New York State

  • New York State-based Farmer Organizations
  • Alfred State
  • Cornell University

Resources for Organic Farming Information

  • Is Organic Farming Right for You?
  • CSAs
  • Farmer Groups Providing Recommendations for Reading and Resources
  • Industry Trends & Growth
  • Organic Dairy Farming
  • Organic Soil Fertility
  • Organic Insect & Disease Control
  • Weed Management
  • Animal Health & Nutrition
  • Organic Farming Inputs & Products
  • Technical Assistance