Southern Research Station - Insects, Diseases and Invasive Plants Logo and header title
Southern Research Station Headquarters
Web Links-
Asheville, NC



Thanks for visiting the website for our research unit, "Insects, Diseases and Invasive Plants", part of the Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service.  On this site you will find information on our mission and scientists, photos of southern pine beetle (SPB) and associated organisms, and the online version of the publication "SPB Update", a guide to events and personnel concerned with southern pine beetle, including yearly predictions of beetle activity. 


IDIP Note - 2007 Special One Year Anniversary Issue:
It has now been over one year since the creation of the new unit SRS-4552: Insects, Diseases and Invasive Plants (IDIP). Each month we summarize our tech transfer activities, publications and presentations. Here is a look at our activities during this first year of our existence.


SPB in 'Science': SPB symbiotic interactions featured in issues of Science



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Please send comments on this site to
Tharon Neal (

Last revised on October 28, 2008.