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Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP 2000)
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Classification of Instruction Programs Edition 2000 - Changes

Index of all CIP Codes DELETED from CIP 2000

02 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES.   (The entire series has been deleted. The programs originally contained in the series have been moved to and should be reported under the appropriate codes in Series 01. and 26.). Refer to the Crosswalk in table 3 for a specification of how/where these programs should be reported.

03.0102 Environmental Science/Studies.   (Deleted, Report under code 03.0103 or 03.0104)

03.0203 Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective Services.   (Deleted, Report under 03.0299)

03.04 Forest Production and Processing.   (Deleted)

03.0401 Forest Harvesting and Production Technology/Technician.   (Deleted, Report under 03.0511)

03.0404 Forest Products Technology/Technician.   (Deleted, Report under 03.0511)

03.0405 Logging/Timber Harvesting.   (Deleted, Report under 03.0599)

03.0499 Forest Production and Processing, Other.   (Deleted, Report under 03.0599)

04.07 Architectural Urban Design and Planning.   (Deleted)

04.0701 Architectural Urban Design and Planning.   (Deleted, Report under 04.0301)

08. MARKETING OPERATIONS/MARKETING AND DISTRIBUTION.   (The entire series has been Deleted, the programs have been moved to and should be reported under the appropriate codes in Series 52). Refer to the Crosswalk in table 3 for a specification of how/where these programs should be reported.

09.02 Advertising.   (Deleted)

09.05 Public Relations and Organizational Communications.   (Deleted)

09.0501 Public Relations and Organizational Communications.   (Deleted, Report under 09.0902)

10.0101 Educational/Instructional Media Technology/Technician.   (Deleted,Report under 13.0501)

10.0199 Communications Technology/Technician, Other.   (Deleted, Report under 10.9999).

12.02 Gaming and Sports Officiating Services.   (Deleted)

12.0203 Gaming Attendant/Manager.   (Deleted, Report under 12.9999)

12.0204 Umpire/Referee/Sports Officiating.   (Deleted, Report under 12.9999)

12.0299 Gaming and Sports Officiating Services, Other.   (Deleted, Report under 12.9999)

13.0405 Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration.   (Deleted, Report under 13.0408 or 13.0409)

13.1204 Pre-Elementary/Early Childhood/Kindergarten Teacher Education.   (Deleted, Report under 13.1209 or 13.1210)

14.15 Geological Engineering.   (Deleted)

14.1501 Geological Engineering.   (Deleted, Report under code 14.3901)

14.16 Geophysical Engineering.   (Deleted)

14.1601 Geophysical Engineering.   (Deleted Report under code 14.3901)

14.17 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering.   (Deleted)

14.1701 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering.   (Deleted, Report under code 14.3501 or 14.3601).

14.29 Engineering Design.   (Deleted)

14.2901 Engineering Design.   (Deleted, Report under 14.9999)

14.30 Engineering/Industrial Management.   (Deleted)

15.0402 Computer Maintenance Technology/Technician.   (Deleted, Report under 15.1202)

15.0603 Industrial/Manufacturing Technology/Technician.   (Deleted, Report under code 15.0612 or 15.0613)

16.0403 Slavic Languages and Literatures (Other Than Russian).   (Deleted, Report under 16.0400)

16.0703 South Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics.   (Deleted, Report under 16.0700).

19.03 Family and Community Studies.   (Deleted)

19.0502 Foods and Nutrition Science.   (Deleted, Report under 19.0501)

19.0503 Dietetics/Human Nutritional Services.   (Deleted, Report under 51.3101 or 51.3102).

19.0603 Interior Environments.   (Deleted, Report under 19.0601)

19.0705 Gerontological Services.   (Deleted, Report under 19.0702)

20. VOCATIONAL HOME ECONOMICS.   (The entire series has been deleted, programs have been integrated into and should be reported under the appropriate codes in Series 19.). Refer to the Crosswalk in table 3 for a specification of how/where these programs should be reported.

22.0104 Judicial Science/Legal Specialization.   (Deleted, Report under 22.0299)

23.03 Comparative Literature.   (Deleted)

26.0501 Microbiology/Bacteriology.   (Deleted, Report under 26.0503)

26.06 Miscellaneous Biological Specializations.   (Deleted).

26.0613 Genetics, Plant and Animal.   (Deleted, Report under code 26.0804 or 26.0805)

26.0699 Miscellaneous Biological Speclizations, Other.   (Deleted).

26.0704 Pathology, Human and Animal.   (Deleted, Report under 26.0910)

26.0706 Physiology, Human and Animal.   (Deleted, Report under 26.0707 or 26.0901)

31.0506 Socio-Psychological Sports Studies.   (Deleted, Report under 31.0599)

39.01 Biblical and Other Theological Languages and Literatures.   (Deleted)

39.0101 Biblical and Other Theological Languages and Literatures.   (Deleted, Report under 16.1103)

39.0603 Rabbinical Studies (M.   H.L./Rav). (Deleted, Report under code 39.0605 or 39.0606).

40.03 Astrophysics.   (Deleted)

40.07 Miscellaneous Physical Sciences.   (Deleted)

40.0701 Metallurgy.   (Deleted, Report under 40.9999)

40.0703 Earth and Planetary Sciences.   (Deleted, Report under 40.0601)

40.0799 Miscellaneous Physical Sciences, Other.   (Deleted, Report under 40.9999)

45.08 History.   (Deleted, Report under 54. Series)

46.0501 Plumber and Pipefitter.   (Deleted, Report under code 46.0502 or 46.0503)

47.0401 Instrumentation Calibration and Repair.   (Deleted, Report under 15.0404)

47.05 Stationary Energy Sources Installers and Operators.   (Deleted)

47.0501 Stationary Energy Sources Installer and Operator.   (Deleted, Report under 47.9999)

48.01 Drafting.   (Deleted)

48.02 Graphic and Printing Equipment Operators.   (Deleted)

48.0205 Mechanical Typesetter and Composer.   (Deleted, Report under 10.0399).

48.0299 Graphic and Printing Equipment Operators, Other.   (Deleted, Report under 10.0399)

50.0503 Acting and Directing.   (Deleted, Report under 50.0506 and 50.0507)

51.03 Community Health Services.   [Deleted]

51.0804 Ophthalmic Medical Assistant.   (Deleted, Report under 51.1803).

51.13 Medical Basic Sciences.   (Deleted, Report under 26. Series). All of the instructional programs in this series have been integrated into programs in Series 26.)

51.2204 Health and Medical Biostatistics.   (Deleted, Report under 26.1102)

51.2701 Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.   (Deleted, Report under 51.3301 or 51.3302)

52.0902 Hotel, Motel, and Restaurant Management.   (Deleted, Report under 52.0904 or 52.0905)

52.1202 Business Computer Programming/Programmer.   (Deleted, Report under 11.0202)

52.1203 Business Systems Analysis and Design.   (Deleted, Report under 11.0501)

20.01 CONSUMER AND HOMEMAKING EDUCATION (Non-postsecondary level).   All programs for this Series have been deleted. This includes programs in series 20.01 and all associated 6-digit programs.

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