The Cherry Blossom Web Camera is one of several webcams available on www.doi.gov.
The Cherry Blossom Web Camera is one of several webcams available on www.doi.gov.

Biomass energy is the energy released through the burning of wood, other plant material, products made from plant materials (such as ethanol), and organic wastes. Nearly 75 percent of biomass energy is produced from the burning of wood and other plant materials.

Biomass energy ranks second to hydropower, generating 17 percent of all electricity produced from renewable resources. Biomass resources provide nearly 3 percent of America's total energy supply and generate about 1.5 percent of America's electricity.

Experts estimate that about 100 million acres of forest and rangeland managed by the Department of Interior contain large quantities of brush and small trees that provide fuel for wildfires. Removal of this material could provide enough electricity to supply 400,000 households for a year.

The Department of the Interior works collaboratively with the Departments of Energy and Agriculture to encourage the utilization of woody biomass by-products from restoration and fuels treatment projects. The three Departments held a national Bioenergy and Wood Products Conference in January of 2004 and plan another for March, 2006. DOI has an agreement with the National Association of Conservation Districts to provide training and outreach to local communities on biomass utilization.

The Department's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) authorizes the removal of biomass from public lands using stewardship contracting which allows contractors to keep biomass products in exchange for the service of thinning trees and brush, removing dead wood and performing other types of forest and woodland restoration.

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 gave the Department the authority to issue research and development and transportation subsidy grants for biomass. The Department and appropriate agencies are developing biomass strategies and action plans to guide future actions.

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