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Ethanol Co-Products Impact on Manure Nutrient Management Webcast

Last Updated: December 03, 2008 Related resource areas: Animal Manure Management

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Manure Nutrient Management

The rapidly expanding ethanol industry is producing increasing amounts of corn co-products that will be used in livestock and poultry diets. Inclusion of distillers grains and corn gluten feed in diets alter excretion of nitrogen and phosphorous in manure and therefore impacts nutrient planning. This webcast will explain how feeding ethanol co-products may impact manure nutrient management. The speakers are Joel DeRouchey, Kansas State University who will discuss the impacts for swine and poultry operations. Considerations for beef and dairy operations will be discussed by Galen Erickson, University of Nebraska. This webcast was originally broadcast on February 15, 2008 More...

Video Segments and Power Point Slides

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View Entire Webcast (60 minutes). Note: the audio from the speakers overlaps at times and does not follow the video. Please use the individual links below to listen to each of the speakers re-recorded presentations.

View Individual Segments:

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Certified Crop Advisers (CCA)

CCAs an receive 1 CEU (nutrient management) by viewing the entire presentation and taking the quiz. Visit the CCA continuing education page for additional CEU opportunities.
Note: The CCA program charges a fee to administer CEUs.

American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS)

Members of ARPAS can receive 1 CEU by viewing the entire presentation and contacting ARPAS headquarters. Visit the ARPAS continuing education page for additional CEU opportunities.

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