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Registered Charity No. 1057719

Links: News Groups and Mailing Lists

This is a rather out of date list. I hope to rework the links section in the next few months. In the meantime heres the old links pages.

One of the best ways to get answers to specific questions is to ask on a news group or mailing list. Here's a few. The rec.gardens.ecosystems FAQ also has a good list of news-groups and mailing lists .

Plants For A Future Mailing list

We now have our own Plants For A Future Mailing list at yahoo. This has regular news updates about the project and discussion about useful plants. It's fairly low trafic at the moment, but well worthwhile. Apologies for the advertising, but you don't have to enter a password to read the messages- Hooray! To subscribe visit

We also have a set of discussion boards which are linked in with our web pages and database.


Usenet Newsgroups seem to have suffered a decline over recent years, but try these: -

alt.sustainable.agriculture lots of interesting discussion plus a few announcements and spam's.

rec.gardens.ecosystems A brand new group as of 8/5/97. Which has a promising and detailed FAQ.

A whole host of newsgroups about permaculture and related topics can be found on the news host More details Below. another permaculture news group. Not very well distributed but dejanews has it.

alt.permaculture a new permaculture news group, set up in April '99. Not widely avaliable yet but Google had it.

Mailing Lists

There are world wide and UK permaculture mailing lists:

These have also suffered from a slow decline in favour of web hosted discussion, chat etc, and although I have left the mail-to links in place I have not checked that they work! If you get an unacceptable response from a group, let me know and I'll remove it, if it's good, again let me know.

The rest have unfortunately succumbed to the demise of listbot: -

  • Permaculture UK - a moderated group intended for information about events and such like.
  • Permaculture Forum - an unmodertated group intended for general discussion.
  • Permaculture Action Learning - a UK list specifically for people taking Diplomas in Permaculture.

Scott's Botanical Links An archive a Botanical Link's of the day dating back to 1996. You can subscribe to get a new link posted everyday.

sanet-mg mailing list devoted to sustainable agriculture. To join send an email to with 'subscribe sanet-mg' in the BODY of the message. More details and email archived at somewhere at what was the Sustainable Agriculture Network (let us know if you find it!).

In the UK there were lots of low trafic groups, but all seem to have moved or gone:

UK centric organic gardening list.

Vegan Organic Horticulture & Agriculture mailing list! could be fun. Let us know if you find it.

local sustainability UK dedicated to LA21 type issues.

british trees knowledgeable discussion about trees in Britain.

Ecobalance a discussion group dedicated to the creation and maintenance of self-sufficient, sustainable communities, in which people live in harmony with eath other and with nature. The original group is gone but the site deserves a look.

Pagan permaculture Paganism and Permaculture collides! Sustainable design inspired by nature. May this group become our treasure chest of common knowledge in the fields of herbalism, plants, polyculture, organic gardening, alternative energy, sustainable building design, animal care, earthworks, water conservation, keyline design, pattern understanding, bioregionalism, kitchen crafts, folklore, homeopathy/natural medicine, co-housing, and all other topics related to earth care. Through our positive work may we honor the God and Goddess in all their manifestations, and create a livable planet for future generations. For me, the manifestation of Big business and Nasdaq DotComism in the form of the Yahoo login does spoil it initially a bit, though, everyone's got to host their group somewhere.

Permaculture Mailing List in Western Australia To subscribe, send email to To send email to the list

Central Coast Permaculture Guild listserve Simply send the message "subscribe ccpg" to: You can also find out more info by checking out the website, which has moved I'm afraid..

permaculture-mg and sustag-principles were two mailing list devoted to permaculture, but some bully boy of a sysadmin pulled the plug on them, with out giving any warning which is well out of order. You can still see the email archives.

A mailing list to discuss permaculture and related topics is now available. To subscribe to the list send email to with the body of the message containing: 'subscriber'. To subscribe to the digest version of the list, send the above message to

There's now a German speaking permaculture mailing list: To subscribe email with ADD PERMAKULTUR-ML "YOUR NAME" in body of message. To send a message to the list email

A new (16/7/97) web based, spam free newsgroup can be found Somewhere in cyberspace, but not where it was..Not especially organic, anyway.

If you can access GreenNet or any of the APC members than you can have a look at the int.permacultu news groups. I'm not sure about this one but I think might also be a mailing list.

Bd Now! is a forum for people studying Rudolph Steiner's work Agriculture. The address for subscribing to the list is Just send " BD NOW! Subscribe " if you want to subscribe, and you're in.

See Tibetan Plateau Project for details of their list server devoted to medicinal plants. (Follow Programs).

Lots more at Solstice covering Strawbale building, biomass, greenbuilding etc.

And even more at CFS inc biodynamics, frugal living, permaculture, ...

Garden Web Has lots (50ish) of online forums covering most topics of intrest to gardeners. Has a good amount of trafic.

UK Tree-Care mailing list. a forum for discussion on all aspects of trees and their care and maintenance. The list is open to both professionals involved in tree care and interested amateurs.

News Groups at metaLab

Obviously a major site, with a number of links from throughout this section. Not all of these have been checked recently, but I'm sure you can get a good feel for the level and type of content. Theres a whole host of Natural Farming Related forums, accessesable via the Web , through a news reader or through Email. Gereral information and useage information about all forums are avaliable at Email.

The groups are

General information for all groups

The forum server is intelligent and flexible and tolerates a wide range of input in case you forget access details.

Subscribers will be able to post, crosspost and read using any method of access: the Web, email or news; non-subscribers will be able to read but not post.

The system is set to archive permanently ALL posts to the list whether they are posted via news, the Website or email.

Any spam posted will result in the offending party being locked out of the forum and all their messages will be purged from the archive.

For access by email:

general information is available at:

subscribe/unsubscribe via email:
send email to
- in text of message include the following words:
subscribe (or unsubscribe) [put name of list here]
Example: subscribe permaculture

posting to the list subscribers
send email to: [put name of list here]


Now swallowed up by the Yahoo empire, requiring sign on etc., but probably worth a look.

The Egroups site contains thousands of intresting discussion groups. They seem to be rather informal in flavour. EdibleLandscape and EdibleWild seem particularly intresting although there are hundreds more. Other intresting ones include SustainableMediterranean, coolfruit, rarefruit.

Yet More Groups

The following are a set of list arising from a discussion on the PC mailing list at ibiblio. These haven't been checked recently, see this as a kind of lucky dip section..

Permaculture Ackerbau A forum for Austrian organic, permaculture-oriented broadacre farmers German language, by invitation only - list information & access - message archives Georg Parlow

Permaculture In Cameroon Multilingual - list information & access - message archives Andreas Keller

Permaculture In Europe Open to Great Britain, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, multilingual - list information & access - message archives Lawrence London lflondon@mindspring

Permaculture Plant Database Project - list information & access - message archives Lawrence London,

Permaculture Multilingual, global in scope - list information & access - message archives Lawrence London,

1) Permaculture International (An Eye, not an L) New group started in response to lack of archives at other yahoo permaculture group and the disappearance of the original list owner.

2)Discussion of Permaculture Diploma Development

3)East Bay (California, US area) Mostly local announcements.

4)Permaculture Occasional posts, no archives, missing listowner

5)Planning for 7th International Permaculture conference #

6)Permaculture UK address is To join, click on the link and send off the message. Active list with UK focus.

7)unsw-permaculture send to with the following command in the body of the message: subscribe unsw-permaculture U. New South Wales, Australia Active, lots of projects, classes

8)Permaculture-Oceania send to with the following command in the body of the message: subscribe permaculture-oceania Active, lots of projects, classes

9)PermaKulturNusantara Indonesian, few posts

10)Permaculture Australia No archives

11) Permacuture Design Few posts

12) Permakultura Permaculture Association of the Philippines, few posts

13) Austinperm Austin, Texas, USA active

14) PermacultureSA Permaculture South Africa , occasional posts

15) Permaculturevisions also for students and graduates of their courses

16) Midwest Permaculture Midwest of USA New in 2002, active

17) Mercia Permaculture Regional UK group

18) Backyard Permaculture Focuses on what people can do in their backyards

19) EdenProj Group planning a (Type I Error style, it looks like) Ecovillage with Bio-Intensive Permaculture Gardens.

20) Guelph Permaculture Guelph Ontario Canada group with a community garden on the campus

21) Chicago Permaculture Chicago, Illinois, USA and Midwest USA regional group

22) Bellingham Permaculture Club Bellingham, Washington, USA regional group

23) Permaculture Technology

24) Terrasemmales Portuguese language permaculture group

25) 4x4Garden For people interested in a mix of Permaculture and Biointensive gardening

26) Permakultur This is a German language one.

27) Permacultur (I think) This is a French one that I don't remember the address of.

There's also Pagan Permaculture Post message: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: List owner:

Permaculture Teachers (UK) Discussion List.
AIM: For teachers to have input into education development, ie, teacher training, accreditation & feedback on PCA proposals, 'my work'- also as a forum to share course outlines, teaching stories, do, don'ts, "this works for me". Some of this could feed into the PCA & Action Learning websites and as the basis of articles for 'flipchart', the PCA's teacher's bulletin. Primarily oriented towards permaculture teaching in the UK although permaculture teachers/learners and their inputs from the rest of the world are welcome! To subscribe send a blank email (don't enter anything in header line) to;
Post message:
List owner:
Eco Vegans
A space for discussion, debate and chat mainly intended for those who are vegan primarily or incidentally for environmental reasons(as well as for spiritual, health or ethical reasons of course), or for those interested in complementary ideas such as sustainability, permaculture, biodynamics, community growing, forest gardening, organic growing, vegan organics, eco-protest, Agenda 21, LETS, etc, etc, who'd be interested in having an input. Non vegans are of course welcome here provided it's in the spirit of mutual tolerance & respect, genuine dialogue and constructive debate/discussion. Zealots & fundamentalists of any persuasion are strongly discouraged, please chain up your dogmas at the post provided outside before entering :-)
To subscribe go to
Post message:
List owner:

All the information contained in these pages is Copyright (C) Plants For A Future, 1996-2008.

Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567, 

HTML version prepared by Rich Morris - Home Page

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. You can copy, distribute, display this works and to make derivative works but: Attribution is required, and it's Share Alike (GNUish/copyleft) i.e. has an identical license. We also ask that you let us know ( if you link to, redistribute, make a derived work or do anything groovy with this information.

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