US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Determining tensile properties of sweetgum veneer flakes

Author: Price, E.W.

Date: 1976

Source: Forest Products Journal 26(10):50-53

Description: Rotary-cut 8weetgum veneer flakes measuring 3 inchee along the grain, 3/8 inch wide, and 0.015 inch thick, were stressed in tension parallel to the grain at gage lengths from 0.00 to 1.25 inchee for unpressed control and at 0.75 inch gage length for flakes pressed in a flakeboard mat. The control flakes had an average tensile strength of 9,400 psi for the smaller age length classes, 8,000 psi for the upper range of gage leneths, and moduli averaging from 460,000 psi to 675,000 psi. Platen pressure with heat increased core flake density by 6.3 percent and face flake density by 13.9 percent above that of untreated control flakes. Core flakes, which had an average MC of 6.3 percent, decreased 6.5 percent and 7.25 percent in tensile strength and modulus, respectively. Face flakes, which had an average MC of 5.5 percent, had 7.6 percent greater tensile strength and 9.8 percent greater modulus than unpressed controls. Unpressed control flakes had an average MC of 6.5 percent.


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Price, E.W.  1976.  Determining tensile properties of sweetgum veneer flakes.   Forest Products Journal 26(10):50-53

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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