US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Applications of an automated stem measurer for precision forestry

Author: Clark, N.

Date: 2001

Source: Proceedings, The First International Precision Forestry Cooperative Symposium. 93-98

Description: Accurate stem measurements are required for the determination of many silvicultural prescriptions, i.e., what are we going to do with a stand of trees. This would only be amplified in a precision forestry context. Many methods have been proposed for optimal ways to evaluate stems for a variety of characteristics. These methods usually involve the acquisition of total stem measurements, which are expensive and difficult to collect. A video rangefinder instrument is presented here as a move toward efficient collection of this total stem data used on a per stem or precision basis for fertilization, thinning, harvesting, and merchandising decision-making.


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Clark, N.  2001.  Applications of an automated stem measurer for precision forestry.   Proceedings, The First International Precision Forestry Cooperative Symposium. 93-98

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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