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Title: Conserving forest biodiversity across multiple land ownerships: lessons from the Northwest Forest Plan and the Southeast Queensland Regional Forests Agreement (Australia).
Author(s): McAlpine, C.A.; Spies, T.A.; Norman, P.; Peterson, A.
Date: 2007
Source: Biological Conservation. 135: 580–592
Description: As the area of the worldÂ’s forests shrinks, the management of production forests is becoming increasingly paramount for biodiversity conservation. In the United States and Australia, public debate and controversy about the management of production forests during the later decades of the 20th century resulted in governments adopting sweeping top-down changes to forest policy, with regional forest plans a cornerstone of this process. This paper reviews the biodiversity conservation outcomes of two such processes, the Southeast Queensland Forests Agreement (Australia) and the Northwest Forest Plan (United States).
Keywords: adaptive management, conflict, land ownership, science and policy, sustainable forest management, uncertainty
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McAlpine, C.A.; Spies, T.A.; Norman, P.; Peterson, A.  2007.  Conserving forest biodiversity across multiple land ownerships: lessons from the Northwest Forest Plan and the Southeast Queensland Regional Forests Agreement (Australia)..   Biological Conservation. 135: 580–592

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 12, 2009

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