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Title: Northwest Forest Plan research synthesis.
Author(s): Haynes, Richard W.; Perez, Gloria E.; [tech. eds.].
Date: 2000
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-498. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 130 p
Station ID: GTR-PNW-498
Description: This document synthesizes research accomplishments initiated and funded under the Northwest Forest Plan or the PresidentÂ’s Forest Plan (hereafter referred to as the Forest Plan) since its inception in 1994. Three major parts in this document cover, the context for this effort, eight Forest Plan research accomplishments, and a synthesis. The eight accomplishments described in part two, chapter 4 are as follows:
  • Wildlife conservation and population variability issues
  • Aquatic conservation strategy
  • Adaptive management concepts and decision support
  • Adaptive management areas: synthesis of an ongoing experiment
  • Socioeconomic research
  • Ecological processes and function
  • The struggle to deal with landscapes
  • Developing new stand-management strategies for the Douglas-fir region These accomplishments and the ongoing work are synthesized around the following converging themes:
  • Conserving biological diversit
  • Science support for implementing the plan
  • Cross-disciplinary science
  • Science and policy issues
  • Much of our research success has rested on a merging of several separate, largely functional research efforts that built incrementally on past work. Our legacy of post-Forest Plan work differs in that it has many successful development and application efforts, and early efforts at larger scale and more integrative work. Although there are many findings in the various Forest Plan research areas, the ecosystem management framework of the Forest Plan has created an impetus toward greater integration, systems approaches, and holistic perspectives.
    Keywords: Northwest Forest Plan, ecosystem management, conservation, land management, alternative silviculture, landscape ecology, adaptive management
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    Haynes, Richard W.; Perez, Gloria E.; [tech. eds.].  2000.  Northwest Forest Plan research synthesis..   Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-498. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 130 p

    US Forest Service - Research & Development
    Last Modified:  January 12, 2009

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