US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Invasive species in the northwestern United States: threats to wildlife, and Defenders of Wildlife's recommendation for prevention policies.

Author: Delach, Aimee.

Date: 2006

Source: In: Olson, Deanna H., editor. Northwestern Naturalist. 87(1): 43-55

Description: Invasive alien species have long been recognized as a leading threat to biological diversity, contributing to the decline of nearly half of the imperiled species in the United States for which threat information is available. This paper discusses some of the invasive species that threaten imperiled wildlife in the western United States, including endemic birds in San Francisco Bay, sage grouse, and grizzly bears. I present 3 examples of the difficulties inherent in balancing the need to close pathways of invasive species entry with maintaining active international and interstate trade (wood packing materials, ballast water, and the nursery trade) and I present Defenders of Wildlife's policy recommendations in these areas.

Keywords: invasive species, impacts, pathways, prevention, policy

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Delach, Aimee.  2006.  Invasive species in the northwestern United States: threats to wildlife, and Defenders of Wildlife's recommendation for prevention policies..   In: Olson, Deanna H., editor. Northwestern Naturalist. 87(1): 43-55

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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