US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


US Forest Service
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Publication Information

Title: Evolving views of public land values and management of natural resources.

Author: Quigley, Thomas M.

Date: 2005

Source: Rangelands. 27(3): 37-44

Description: In 2005, the USDA Forest Service celebrates its 100th birthday. For a century, this agency has been charged with managing much of the Nation's forests.and rangelands in the public interest. From its humble beginnings with a handful of employees and a clearly stated vision, today the agency's 35,000 employees are responsible for managing more than 190 million acres of national forests and grasslands, for directing one of the world's largest natural resources research agencies, for directing cooperative state and private forestry programs, and for overseeing an international forestry program. The Centennial provides an opportunity to reflect on changes that have occurred over the last century and a chance to consider where management of natural resources in the next century will head. One venue for discussions of Forest Service influence and management was a series of regional Centennial Forums and a Centennial Congress that convened in January 2005. At the Rocky Mountain Centennial Forum, range management and rangeland resources were specifically highlighted. This paper highlights the transitions that have occurred and looks to the future regarding rangeland and natural resource management, with specific emphasis on the role the Forest Service has played, and will play, in this process.


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Quigley, Thomas M.  2005.  Evolving views of public land values and management of natural resources..   Rangelands. 27(3): 37-44

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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