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Pacific Northwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Projecting large-scale area changes in land use and land cover for terrestrial carbon analyses.

Author: Alig, Ralph J.; Butler, Brett J.

Date: 2004

Source: Environmental Management. 33(4): 443-456

Description: One of the largest changes in US forest type areas over the last half-century has involved pine types in the South. The area of planted pine has increased more than 10-fold since 1950, mostly on private lands. Private landowners have responded to market incentives and government programs, including subsidized afforestation on marginal agricultural land. Timber harvest is a crucial disturbance affecting planted pine area, as other forest types are converted to planted pine after harvest.

Keywords: Baseline, mitigation, forest cover type, carbon sequestration

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Alig, Ralph J.; Butler, Brett J.  2004.  Projecting large-scale area changes in land use and land cover for terrestrial carbon analyses..   Environmental Management. 33(4): 443-456

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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