US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Title: Slash Incorporation for Amelioration of Site, Soil and Hydrologic Properties on Pocosins and Wet Flats in North Carolina

Author: Lakel, William A.; Aust, W. Michael; Carter, Emily A.; Stokes, Bryce J.; Buford, Marilyn A.; Sanchez, Felipe G.

Date: 1999

Source: Paper presented at the Tenth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Shreveport, LA. February 16-18, 1999.

Description: It was hypothesized that mulching and incorporation of slash as part of site preparation treatments could affect soil water characteristics. Two forested wetland sites, an organic pocosin and a mineral wet flat. located in the lower coastal plain of North Carolina, were selected for treatments. Treatments consisted of slash mulching and incorporation in comoinations with bedding and flat planting. These treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design and an incomplete block design. Volumetric soil moisture percent, water table depths. and soil water chemical characteristics were monitored for one year following treatment installation. Preliminary results suggest that bedding in general affects soil water characteristics while differing methods of slash incorporation do not.


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Lakel, William A.; Aust, W. Michael; Carter, Emily A.; Stokes, Bryce J.; Buford, Marilyn A.; Sanchez, Felipe G.  1999.  Slash Incorporation for Amelioration of Site, Soil and Hydrologic Properties on Pocosins and Wet Flats in North Carolina.   Paper presented at the Tenth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Shreveport, LA. February 16-18, 1999.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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