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Title: Relationship between carbohydrate concentration and root growth potential in coniferous seedlings from three climates during cold hardening and dehardening

Author: Tinus, R.W.; Burr, K.E.; Atzmon, N.; Riov, J.

Date: 2000

Source: Tree Physiology. 20: 1097-1104.

Description: Greenhouse-cultured, container-grown seedlings of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.), radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don), and interior Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco) were cold acclimated and deacclimated in growth chambers over 24 weeks. Needle and root cold hardiness and root growth potential (RGP) were measured weekly. Root, needle, and stem analyses for soluble sugars and starch were performed biweekly. In all tissues, there was a close correspondence between cold hardiness and the absolute concentration of soluble sugars, as well as between the increase and decrease in concentration of soluble sugars during cold hardening and dehardening, respectively, supporting the theory that soluble sugars function as cryoprotectants in plant tissues. The magnitude of starch concentration did not parallel the magnitude of the cold hardiness attained, and changes in starch concentration were related to production and consumption factors, rather than timing of changes in cold hardiness. The rise and fall of RGP paralleled the rise and fall of total carbohydrate concentration in roots. The behavior of the three species was surprisingly similar, considering the different climates to which they are adapted.


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Tinus, R.W.; Burr, K.E.; Atzmon, N.; Riov, J.   2000.  Relationship between carbohydrate concentration and root growth potential in coniferous seedlings from three climates during cold hardening and dehardening.   Tree Physiology. 20: 1097-1104.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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