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Winter brings many seasonal treats to Land Between The Lakes. Many species of ducks and geese call this area home during the winter months, which makes LBL a favorite gathering spot for area birders. Buffleheads, loons, mergansers, geese, and gulls can be found in large numbers, so be sure to bring your field guides and binoculars when you visit!

But LBL's most famous winter resident is the bald eagle. Once an endangered species, their numbers are now making a remarkable recovery; the bald eagle is more than just our nation's symbol -- it's a symbol of hope for environmental recovery for wildlife all around the country.

Migratory bald eagles fly south from Canada and northern areas of the U.S. beginning in early December. LBL is the perfect wintering ground -- surrounded by water, there is abundant fish to provide food, and miles of healthy forest and shoreline, provide excellent habitat. Winter bald eagle counts of 150 or more have been noted in recent years.


Even though our gardens are dormant for the winter, we are busy getting ready for next spring. We actually start planting seeds outside in the winter months. Native plants found in this area need to go through a freezing and thawing process in order to germinate properly and grow through the spring and summer. The winter temperatures help to crack the hard shell of the seeds. We will be planting wild columbine, asters, blazing stars and cardinal flower seeds this winter. We have already started to remove some of the dead plants but we do not remove all of it. The dead foliage we leave behind will serve as hiding places for salamanders, moths, butterflies and other small animals while they are hibernating through the winter.