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In the News

Nov 2008

An archive of selected "In the News" items previously featured on the NISIC Home Page.

Defending Favorite Places cover

Free New Tool in the Fight Against Invasive Species (Nov 25, 2008)
Wildlife Forever.
In partnership with the United States Forest Service, Wildlife Forever announces the availability of a new 27 minute video -- Defending Favorite Places -- to help sportsmen and women identify invasive species and take action to help stop their spread.

Zebra Mussel - Invasive.org

Biopesticide May Solve Zebra Mussel Problem (Nov 24, 2008)
Daily Gazette.
A New York State Museum researcher has created a non-toxic alternative pesticide, using a natural bacterium that zebra mussels can feed on in small quantities, but will kill them if they eat too much of it.

State Museum's Plan to Control Zebra Mussels Going to Market (Mar 10, 2008)
New York State Museum.

Climate change

Climate Change Opens New Avenue for Spread of Invasive Plants (Nov 19, 2008)
University of Florida News.
Plants that range northward because of climate change may be better at defending themselves against local enemies than native plants. The team's findings, reported online in the journal Nature, suggest that certain plants could become invasive if they spread to places that were previously too cold for them.

Spiny water flea - FWS

Species Profile -- Spiny Water Flea
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
Spiny water fleas are small predacious crustaceans that threaten aquatic ecosystems and fishing by competing with native fish for food and fouling gear. Water flea introductions have decreased growth or survival rates for many fish, particularly young plankton feeders.

Spiny Water Flea Confirmed in First "Inland" Water (Oct 30, 2008)
New York Department of Environmental Conservation.

Asian citrus psyllid - USDA, ARS Photo Library

Species Profile -- Asian Citrus Psyllid
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) is a pest that acts as a carrier or vector spreading Citrus Greening, a devastating disease of citrus trees. This bacterial disease is transmitted to healthy trees by the psyllid after it feeds on infected plant tissue.

Concern mounts as citrus pest threat increases (Nov 12, 2008)
California Farm Bureau Federation.

West Nile virus

West Nile's North American Spread Described (Nov 6, 2008)
The rapid spread of West Nile virus in North America over the past decade is likely to have long-lasting ecological consequences throughout the continent, according to an article in the November issue of BioScience. The mosquito-borne virus, which was little known before its emergence in New York in 1999, has since been found in all 48 contiguous states.

Citrus greening - Invasive.org

Species Profile -- Citrus Greening
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
Huanglongbing (HLB), also known as Citrus Greening Disease, is a bacterial plant disease that – while not harmful to human health – destroys the production, appearance and economic value of citrus trees and the taste of the fruit and juice. It is the most serious citrus plant disease in the world and once a tree is infected, there is no cure. Diseased trees produce bitter, inedible, misshapen fruit and eventually die.


Don't Move Firewood - Protect the Nations Forests
USDA. FS. Northeastern Area. Forest Health Protection.
Buy and use your firewood locally. Don’t take it with you and don’t bring any back.
Do you want to protect trees? Then, don't move firewood. Moving firewood can spread invasive, tree-killing diseases and insect pests like the Asian longhorned beetle and the Emerald Ash Borer.

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Last Modified: Dec 30, 2008
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