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In the News

Jun 2007

An archive of selected "In the News" items previously featured on the NISIC Home Page.


National Pollinator Week -- Jun 24-30, 2007
The Pollinator Partnership is proud to announce that Jun 24-30, 2007 has been designated National Pollinator Week by the U.S. Senate S.Res. 580 and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (proclamation by Secretary Johanns).

Light brown apple moth

Tiny but Hungry, Moth May Peril California Crops (Jun 15, 2007)
New York Times.

Light Brown Apple Moth
California Department of Food & Agriculture.

Light Brown Apple Moth
USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia

Great Lakes Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Briefing
The Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission will host a Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS) briefing on Wednesday, Jun 13, at 3:30 pm, in Room SC-6 of the Capitol. Congressional staff will learn about federal and state actions to address the spread of VHS in the Great Lakes region.

Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia
USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

Goats trained to eat kudzu

In Tennessee, Goats Eat the ‘Vine That Ate the South’ - Kudzu (Jun 5, 2007)
New York Times.
(requires free subscription)

Chinese mitten crab

Chinese Mitten Crab Alert (Jun 1, 2007; PDF | 52 KB)
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
After discovering 2 Chinese mitten crabs in Chesapeake Bay last year, 5 more adult male mitten crabs have surfaced in May of 2007. One was captured in a commercial crab pot off Chesapeake Beach in the Maryland portion of Chesapeake Bay, and the other 4 were captured in commercial pots in Delaware Bay.

Chinese Mitten Crab News

Red palm mite damage

ForumFederal Agencies Unite To Fight Invasive Species
USDA. ARS. Agricultural Research Magazine. (May/Jun 2007 - Vol. 55, No. 5)

Table of Contents - May/Jun 2007 Issue

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