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Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Texas A&M System.
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January 14, 2009
Be wary of Formosan termites during post-hurricane reconstruction, experts say
Property owners, construction companies and contractors should be wary of Formosan termites during post-Hurricane Ike reconstruction in Galveston and nearby coastal areas, urban entomologists say.

January 13, 2009
FEMA Releases Hurricane Ike Impact Report
Source(s): FEMA Before Hurricane Ike made landfall, people knew that it was going to be big, and that the recovery process was likely to be among the most complex the nation has ever experienced. In anticipation of this event, a federal, state and local initiative focusing on recovery commenced. One of the outcomes of this effort [...]

January 12, 2009
FEMA Uses Multimedia to Document Disaster Response and Recovery
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is staying on the cutting edge of multimedia technology, offering online "webisodes" of the Hurricane Ike response and recovery mission in Texas.

January 9, 2009
What Vaccines do you need? Adolescent and Adult Vaccine Quiz
Did you know that certain vaccines are recommended for adults and adolescents? Take this quiz to find out which vaccines YOU may need. This quiz provides information for people age 11 years and older.

January 8, 2009
Texas Homeland Security Conference: March 23-26, 2009
The Texas Hurricane Conference and the Texas Homeland Security Converence will be combined this year and held in San Antonio, March 23-26. This year's conference, sponsored by the Governor's Division of Emergency Management, presents a wide variety of workshops, presentations, and training opportunities involving homeland security, hurricane preparedness, and the role of voluntary agencies in emergency management.

Texas EDEN - Winter Storm Resources

Texas EDEN - Wildfire Resources

Disaster Recovery Resources