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College of Business Entrepreneurship & Innovation Lecture

Building a Green Business: Lessons and Opportunities

Martin Tobias, Serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist

Thursday, Jan. 29, noon - 1:30 p.m. Construction and Engineering Hall, LaSells Stewart Center, OSU

photo of Martin TobiasAs the world begins to move toward renewable energy technologies, what are the opportunities and challenges in incubating a "green" business? Martin Tobias, a serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist in technology and renewable/green/clean energy solutions will share his valuable insights in this Entrepreneurship & Innovation Lecture.

Tobias has been involved in several entrepreneurial ventures and has invested in more than two dozen start-ups in the technology and clean technology sectors.

In September 2008, he started Kashless, Inc., which leverages the Internet, mobile technology, social networks, and local partnerships to support reuse and recycling. He was a major investor, CEO, and chairman of the board with Imperium Renewables, which built the largest biodiesel refinery in the world at Gray’s Harbor, Wash.

In 2004, Tobias founded the Northwest Energy Angels,™ an organization of successful entrepreneurs, retired executives, and other business leaders in the Pacific Northwest who provide investment capital, strategic advice, and mentoring to early-stage companies or companies embarking on major expansion efforts.

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