
The SMU Science and Technology Law Review, formerly the Computer Law Review and Technology Journal, is a student-run and student-edited legal journal dedicated to publishing scholarly work exploring emerging legal issues in intellectual property, science and technology.

The journal is an official publication of the Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law and is published three times per year: Fall, Winter, and Summer.

Journal News & Upcoming Events

Game::Business::Law International Summit | January 14-15, 2009

Game::Business::Law, an international summit on the law and business of video games, will be held at the SMU Dedman School of Law on January 14-15, 2009. The summit will bring together global game industry leaders, investors, developers, publishers, and lawyers for two days to explore the latest trends in the games industry.

Check Out Our New N.D. Texas Update Feature

Found exclusively on the SMU STLR web site, the N.D. Texas Update is a continuously updated blog of recent IP cases decided in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas. The updates consist of concise and insightful case summaries designed to keep practitians and scholars abreast of new case law. We encourage you to check back regularly.