Volume 12, Issue 1 - Spring 2008

Commercialspeech.com: ACPA and the First Amendment

by Ian J. Silverbrand

Beyond Efficiency: The Transformation of Courts through Technology

by Orna Rabinovich-Einy

Volume 11, Issue 2 - Fall 2007

An Avatar’s Day in Court: A Proposal for Obtaining Relief and Resolving Disputes in Virtual World Games

by Farnaz Alemi

The Risky Business of Lifestyle Genetic Testing: Protecting Against Harmful Disclosure of Genetic Information

by Gabrielle Kohlmeier

The Effects of KSR v Teleflex on Patent Licensing Costs

by C. Paul Wazzan

Bridging the Digital Divide: How the Implied License Doctrine Could Narrow the Copynorm-Copyright Gap

by Raghu Seshadri

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