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Virtual Intellectual Property Newsletter

We publish a monthly newsletter, VIP (Virtual Intellectual Property), on the latest U.S. intellectual property cases to a readership of more than 4,000.

Subscribers to VIP are our clients, other high-tech and multi-media companies, foreign and U.S. law firms, government employees, and law school professors. In addition, VIP appears on the Thomson & Thomson Saegis Trademark-Internet Search web-site, making it accessible to an additional 2,500 subscribers.

Here is the latest issue.

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For a free subscription to VIP, e-mail us at mail@ipcounselors.com.


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Epstein Drangel
Bazerman & James, LLP
Lincoln Building
60 East 42nd Street, Suite 820
New York, NY 10165
Tel: 212-292-5390
Fax: 212-292-5391