United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Wyoming Go to Accessibility Information
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Wyoming Technical Service Provider Program (TSP)



The Technical Service Provider program, authorized by the 1985 Farm Bill and amended by the 2002 Farm Bill (P.L. 107-171), expands the availability of technical services to carry out NRCS Conservation Programs. Technical Service Providers (TSPs) provide direct technical assistance and deliver conservation services to landowners and others.

Who can become a Technical Service Provider?  Any individual, business, non-profit organization, or public agency that performs the categories of service specified on the TechReg website (NRCS employees are not eligible, and employees of public agencies must only practice under the auspices of their employing agency). For more information click here.

Who can hire a Technical Service Provider and be reimbursed by USDA?  Anyone who is eligible and subsequently receives funding through an NRCS conservation program (and a TSP is available in the geographic area for the types of services needed).

TechReg is the website for registering and locating Technical Service Providers (TSPs). 


Technical Service Providers are available in Wyoming for a variety of technical services relating to implementation of the 2002 Farm Bill.  To find a TSP in your state or county, use the TSP Locator.  


The TSP program utilizes an online application process. Potential TSPs must obtain a Level 2 e-Government account (login and password) from the USDA e-Authentication web site at http://www.eauth.egov.usda.gov/.    A government-issued photo ID must be presented at the nearest USDA service center to complete the account process.  To find a nearby Service Center, see the left hand side of this page under Contact Us.

Once an e-Government login and password have been set up, applicants can become certified by registering and completing the certification process through TechReg.

NRCS will review your application and verify that it meets NRCS requirements for certification within 60 days. If there is a problem, we will advise you and allow time for you to make corrections. If NRCS approves your application, you will electronically sign a Certification Agreement with NRCS. This grants you certification and places you on the list of approved TSPs.

To read the Certification Agreement, click on "View the Technical Service Provider Certification Agreement" under the blue heading "In the Spotlight."

State Engineering Licensing Requirements:

The state of Wyoming regulates the practice of Engineering and Land Surveying. Individuals or firms offering Engineering or Surveying services must first be registered with the Wyoming Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors. The process of becoming certified as a Technical Service Provider through NRCS is not the same as registration as an engineer or land surveyor with the state of Wyoming. Individuals having questions about whether the service they wish to offer or perform is considered engineering or surveying under the state of Wyoming definition should contact the Board office in Cheyenne, Wyoming. You may do so by calling 307-777-6155, or review the definition of engineering and land surveying in the Wyoming Statutes 33-29-114 through 33-29-142, et.al. and Board Rules and Regulations, which can be found on web page 


All technical services provided must meet NRCS Technical Standards and Specifications which are located in the electronic Field Office Technical Guide (eFOTG). 

In addition, TSPs are required to follow NRCS and Departmental policies and guidelines as well as meet program requirements for the USDA program serviced. Policy, guidelines, program manuals, and handbooks can be found in the Online Resources on TechReg.

State and local information not available online can be obtained by contacting your local Service Center or Wyoming’s State Resource Conservationist at 307-233-6768.


Certification for some categories of service requires the completion of national NRCS training courses (i.e., Conservation Planning Training Modules 1-5). National training opportunities can be accessed through TechReg (see Online Resources).

Wyoming will post on this site, as available, local and state training opportunities. Professional organizations provide training for certain certifications. TSP Express may also list available training.

Local and State Training Opportunities:


Not-to-exeed (NTE) rates can be found at http://techreg.usda.gov under the "In the Spotlight" heading.


National policy is located at http://techreg.usda.gov under Online Resources. 


For potential opportunities via federal contracts, grants, and agreements, the following two sites are available:

The process for advertising and issuing solicitations for federal contracting opportunities is a website called FedBizOpps located at http://www.fedbizopps.gov.

A process for advertising and issuing solicitations for all cooperative and grant agreement opportunities is a website called Grants.gov located at http://grants.gov.


The TSP Express, an electronic newsletter for certified Technical Service Providers, is available on TechReg, under the TSP Express heading. These reports will keep TSPs informed on a broad array of conservation activities.

To receive the TSP Express newsletter automatically, visit http://news-source.nrcs.usda.gov. Enter the email address at which you would like to receive the newsletter. Select the email lists to which you would like to subscribe. Click on "Subscribe to selected email lists" bar to submit. It is just as easy to unsubscribe.


Can I remove my name temporarily from the TechReg list?

Yes. You can control whether or not TechReg displays your information. Simply log into TechReg, go to Part A of your application. Click on "Change TSP Info" in the upper right hand corner of this section, and then uncheck the "Display" box. Hiding your listing does not affect your certification status. When you want to display your listing on TechReg again, just return to your TechReg application and recheck the "Display" box.


Wyoming State TSP Contacts:

Bruce Petersen or Sharon Williams
P.O. Box 33124

100 East B Street, 3rd Floor

Casper, WY  82602

(307) 233-6760 or 233-6761



The NRCS Mission:   Helping People Help the Land