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UK Permaculture and related groups: Off-Line

This is a rather out of date list. I hope to rework the links section in the next few months. In the meantime heres the old links pages.

These are mainly UK based organizations, and not all of them are completely up to date. Please send SAE to all organizations as many are completely skint. Please note this page was created in '95 and has not really be changed since, so many addresses may be out of date.

See also UK permaculture orginisation Online and Communities and Eco-Villages.

The Permaculture Association (Britain) They publish a quarterly Permaculture Magazine. There's 60 local groups as well. Telephone / Fax: +44 (0)7041 390170 / 0113 2621718 Postal address: BCM Permaculture Association, LONDON, WC1N 3XX. E mail:

The Permaculture Magazine published by Permanent Publications (see below), Lots of articles on permaculture, details of design course and more contacts.

Permanent Publications The Sustainability Centre, East Meon, Hampshire, GU32 1HR England. Tel: + 44 (0)1730 823311, Fax: + 44 (0)1730 823322, email Publish the UK based Permaculture Magazine. The site contains details of the mag, their book catalogue, and UK Forrest Gardening projects and regular permaculture news. Their Earth Repair Catalogue contains 230 permaculture and related books.

Eco-Logic Books 20 Gastard Lane, Garstard, Corsham, Wilts, SN13 9QN. Tel (01249) 712749 Distribute 'Permaculture One & Two' and 'Permaculture - Designers' Manual' the essential guides written by Bill Mollison et al.

A big list of Local Permaculture Groups in the UK can be found on the Permanent Publications web site.

BUG magazine Biological Urban Gardening, Rm 6, P.O. Box 206, Worcester WR1 1YS

Henry Doubleday Research Organization National Centre for Organic Gardening, Ryton on Dunsmore, COVENTRY, CV8 3LG. Tel. (01203) 303517. Publish the HDRA news, packed full of useful stuff and lots of leaflets and books. They also have a demonstration garden showing many organic techniques, there's one at the above address and another one planed in the South-East. They also run a Heritage Seed Program ( alternate link) which collects seeds of many unusual varieties of vegetables, due to UK law its actually illegal to sell such varieties and we're limited to a few registered varieties limiting the genetic diversity. An Events List Can be found on MidNet.

Organic Gardening P.O. Box 4, Wiveliscombe, Taunton, Somerset, TA4 2QY, Tel 01984 623998. A monthly magazine.

Biodynamic Agricultural Association The Secretariat, Woodman Lane, Clent, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY9 9PX, England. Tel: 01562 884933.

Vegan-Organic Horticulture And Agriculture Network, Anandavan, 58, High Lane, Chorlton, Manchester. M21 9DZ. Telephone 0161 860 4869. A groovy bunch who co-wrote the Vegan-Organics leaflet.

The Soil Association Bristol House, 40 - 56 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6BY Tel: 01179 290661. Best known for is symbol guaranteeing that products are organic. Web site has lots of press releases. Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association. (IOFGA) 56 Blessington Street, Dublin 7, Tel: 018 - 307996, Fax: 018 - 300925.

Working Weekends on Organic Farms, 19 Bradford Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1RB. If you wants to go WWOOF-ing get in touch.

MidNet Organic UK based WWW site, have info on UK organizations, and some hints and tips. Plus an organic garden tour. And other UK based resources. Also run a UK based Organic Gardening discussion list

The Middle Wood Centre Roeburndale, West Lancaster, LA2 8QX. Tel (015242) 21880. They've got a lovely patch of land, including a wooded valley being preserved in its natural state (they let any fallen wood rot down which helps build up the soil). They have a resource center, a barn to hire and also run some permaculture courses.

The Centre for Alternative Technology Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 9AZ, Tel 01654 702400, e: They publish an Organic Growing Resource Guide (70p Ref F6), with lots more addresses, etc. You can also get a lot of organic & permaculture books from them.

Agroforestry Research Trust, 46 Hunters Moon, Dartington, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 6JT. Have a newsletter and produce a number of publications in the 'Useful Plants for Temperate Climates' series. Also have seed an plants for sale.

Some more UK orgs are listed on MidNet Organics.

West Yorkshire Organic Group One of the oldest groups about, run weekly local produce markets and The Organic Vegetable Show.

And finally Liverpool Organic Gardeners, 7 Childwall Bank Road, Liverpool, L16 7PH. Tel (0151) 722 7561. My local group who'd probably be dead chuffed to find they got a mention.

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