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S - Div. S-7, Forest, Range, and Wildland Soils Officers

Chair, Div. S-7
Lindsey Rustad
Term: Jan 01 2009 - Dec 31 2009
35 Crystal Lane
Cumberland ME 04021-9538 USA
Tel: 207-829-6817 Email: rustad@maine.edu

Chair-Elect, Div. S-7
Thomas Fox
Term: Jan 01 2009 - Dec 31 2009
Virginia Tech
Department of Forestry
228 Cheatham Hall
Blacksburg VA 24061 USA
Tel: 540-231-8862 Email: trfox@vt.edu

Past Chair, Div. S-7
Daniel Markewitz
Term: Jan 01 2009 - Dec 31 2009
The University of Georgia
Warnell School Forestry/Natural Resource
Athens GA 30602-2152 USA
Tel: 706-542-0133 Email: dmarke@warnell.uga.edu

Div. S-7 Bd. Rep.
Dale Johnson
Term: Nov 16 2006 - Dec 31 2009
University of Nevada Reno
Natural Resources
129 Fleishman Ag Bldg, Mailstop 370
Reno NV 89557 USA
Tel: 775-784-4511 Email: dwj@cabnr.unr.edu