Home Page > Get Assistance from a Federal Depository Librarian: Government Information Online Pilot Project
U.S. Government agencies provide information on a wide variety of topics, from nutrition and health care to gardening and saving money on your electric bill. Other topics include laws and regulations, statistics, international affairs, public safety, and more. If a government agency does it, they probably publish information on it.
Libraries in the Federal Depository Library Program have long provided assistance to the public in locating and using government information. The Internet is increasing access to government information, as well as making it easier for users to interact with librarians who may be in other parts of the country.
Government Information Online (GIO) is a national pilot project sponsored by the Illinois State Library, OCLC, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. GPO is participating in the pilot along with more than 30 federal depository libraries from across the United States. Users of the service can interact online with government information librarians during a weekly chat schedule, or users can submit questions at any time using an email interface. To use the service, visit the project's website at http://govtinfo.org. The pilot is scheduled to run through November 14, 2005.
Questions submitted to this service are answered by librarians in federal depository libraries across the country, not by GPO staff. If you have a question for GPO, such as how to order a book from our bookstore, the status of an order, or specific questions on depository operations, please visit GPO's help service at http://www.gpoaccess.gov/help/index.html to submit your question directly to GPO.
A service of the U.S. Government Printing
Last updated:
June 5, 2008
Page Name: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/govtinfo.html