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Fair Use
Who Owns What?
Creating MM
In the Digital Library
Copyright Management
Licensing Resources
Online Presentations
Ask a Lawyer

Copyright Presentations




Copyright Policy

Copyright Law and the University Community - Administrators
This presentation was prepared for administrators and focuses on policy matters.

Developing a Comprehensive Copyright Policy to Facilitate Online Learning
Prepared for attorneys and administrators, this presentation addresses the need for comprehensive copyright policies with an emphasis on ownership and management of University copyrights.

Coursepacks, Reserve and Research Copies

Copyright Law and Electronic Reserves
This presentation was prepared for faculty members who desire to place their classroom reading materials on line on a departmental Web server.

Copyright Law in the Electronic Environment - Faculty Members
This presentation was prepared for faculty members, and focuses on a wide range of copyright issues of interest to them.

Distance Learning

Copyright Law for Distance Learning
This presentation addresses basic copyright law, including ownership issues, the use of others' works and protecting newly created works. It was prepared for faculty and technical support persons involved in the creation and use of telecourses and distance learning materials, including multimedia courseware.

Multimedia and Images

Creating Multimedia: Fair Use of Others' Works
Prepared for students in the College of Fine Arts Art and Design Computer Labs, and for faculty and students in Computer Science and Natural Science who prepare multimedia materials for the life sciences, this presentation focuses on the fair use of others' works, especially images, in the creation of new digital works. It contains links to CONFU Guidelines for Multimedia Works and for the Educational Use of Images (Image Archives).

Scholarly Publication

Scholarly Electronic Publication and Copyright Law
This presentation addresses copyright issues in the context of scholarly electronic publishing, focusing on the issues of ownership of copyright and retention of rights by authors and universities, using others' works, royalty sharing and institutional support for publishing. It was prepared for faculty members involved in the electronic publication of scholarly materials and the creation and use of digital course materials, including multimedia courseware.

Licensing Resources

This presentation provides guidance to anyone who must review software and database license agreements. It includes links to all of the online materials used in our Licensing Workshops.

horizontal rule


Copyright Law and the University Community - Administrators
This presentation was prepared for administrators and focuses on policy matters.
Developing a Comprehensive Copyright Policy to Facilitate Online Learning
Prepared for attorneys and administrators, this presentation addresses the need for comprehensive copyright policies with an emphasis on ownership and management of University copyrights.


Copyright Law in the Electronic Environment - Faculty Members
This presentation was prepared for faculty membersl.

Copyright Law for Distance Learning
This presentation addresses basic copyright law, including ownership issues, the use of others' works and protecting newly created works. It was prepared for faculty and technical support persons involved in the creation and use of telecourses and distance learning materials, including multimedia courseware.

Copyright in the Electronic Environment - Library Personnel and Faculty Members
This presentation was prepared for library personnel and faculty members, and was based on the next presentation, which was for faculty members only. Thus, it addresses the same issues as the UT Dallas/UT Austin Team Web presentation, but adds considerable material of interest to Library personnel.

Scholarly Electronic Publication and Copyright Law
This presentation addresses copyright issues in the context of scholarly electronic publishing, focusing on the issues of ownership of copyright and retention of rights by authors and universities, using others' works, royalty sharing and institutional support for publishing. It was prepared for faculty members involved in the electronic publication of scholarly materials and the creation and use of digital course materials, including multimedia courseware.


Copyright in the Digital Library
This presentation was prepared for library school preservation and conservation students and faculty members, and addresses the impact of copyright law on the library's ability to make its materials, especially those that are older but still under copyright protection, available to the public electronically.

Copyright in the Electronic Environment - Library Personnel and Faculty Members
This presentation was prepared for library personnel and faculty members and addresses faculty concerns, but adds considerable material of interest to Library personnel.

Copyright Law and Electronic Reserves
This presentation was prepared for faculty members who desired to place all their classroom reading materials on line on a departmental Web server.

Copyright and Image Management
Prepared originally for library school graduate students and revised for a Graduate School of Library and Information Science Summer Workshop for curators and archivists, this presentation addresses issues in the management of image collections in the print and electronic environments.

It's All in the Fine Print: License Review using Online Resources
This presentation provides guidance to anyone who must review software and database license agreements. It includes links to all of the online materials used in our Licensing Workshops.


Copyright in the Electronic Environment - Graduate Students
This presentation was prepared for graduate students, to address the copyright issues raised by electronic publication of dissertations and theses, creation of multimedia works and research and classroom copying.

Creating Multimedia: Fair Use of Others' Works
Prepared for students in the College of Fine Arts Art and Design Computer Labs, and for faculty and students in Computer Science and Natural Science who prepare multimedia materials for the life sciences, this presentation focuses on the fair use of others' works, especially images, in the creation of new digital works. It contains links to CONFU Guidelines for Multimedia Works and for the Educational Use of Images (Image Archives).

University Attorneys

Copyright Law in Cyberspace - NACUA
Prepared for attorneys, this presentation is the same as Copyright Law for Distance Learning, but it contains citations to relevant cases and statutes of interest to University attorneys.

Academic Computing Professionals

Copyright Law for Academic Computing
Prepared for the Directors Seminar in Academic Computing, this Power Point Presentation with notes and accompanying text for slides 18 - 21 explains copyright basics and looks at legal trends. 

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Last updated: July 7, 2006