Region 2 Location Map

research, education and extension
Animal Waste Management for Small Farms
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Regional Program Priority
Issue Areas

Animal Waste Management

Drinking Water and Human Health

Nutrient Management

Watershed Management

Regional Initiatives

Animal Waste Management for Small Farms

Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Management

Water Quality Trading

Watershed Management

Water Reuse

Success Stories

Advisory Committee

Programs by State/

Annual Meetings


Previous Page

Several small program development and demonstration projects are being carried out to test approaches and working relationships that will improve the education and assistance provided to small animal agriculture operations. Efforts to aid in improving animal waste management include: 1) advancing the use throughout the region of phosphorus indexes to manage the land application of manure and fertilizer based on agronomic conditions, 2) adapting elements of the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship Curriculum to address local conditions, 3) coordination of service providers to effectively and efficiently provide educational, technical and financial assistance, 4) preparation of nutrient management fact sheets, and 5) exploring point / nonpoint source nutrient trading opportunities.

The phosphorus index work is taking place at Rutgers University in New Jersey and at the University of Puerto Rico, and is drawing on the expertise that exists in this field at Cornell University in New York. Most of the other work is taking place in New Jersey, with plans to collaborate and share the knowledge gained with colleagues in the other partner institutions.

For an in-depth summary of the water quality issues, work to date, and capabilities associated with Animal Waste Management for Small Farms, click here.

Project leads:

Michael Westendorf
Rutgers University/Cook College
Department of Animal Sciences
213E Bartlett Hall
Cook College, P.O. Box 231
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903
Phone: 732 932-9408
Fax: 732 932-6996

Rafael Davila-Lopez
University of Puerto Rico
P.O. Box 21120
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928
Phone: 787 767-8281
Fax: 787 772-9115
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