About NWF Native Coneflowers
Website Privacy Policy of the National Wildlife Federation

We value the support of our members, donors, customers, and others who support the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) through visiting our web sites. We know that protecting personal information is important to our supporters. To make our Privacy Policy easy to find, we make it available in the footer of every page of our website. If you have questions or concerns regarding our site's privacy statement, your personal information, or how it will be used, or would like to review or correct your personal information, contact NWF directly at http://www.nwf.org/contact.

1. General Browsing Information - If you visit our site to read or download information, we may collect and store the following general information in order to analyze trends, gather broad demographic information, and monitor site traffic patterns that can help us further develop and improve the design and functionality of our site: your computer's IP address, browser type, and operating system, the date and time you access our site, the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site; and the various pages that you visit while on our site.

2. Personally-Identifiable Information - We will explicitly notify you before we collect any personally-identifiable information about you (e.g.. your name, email address, contact information, credit card number, etc.), and will not collect any information unless you choose to provide it to us. This information may be shared within our organization for the purposes of fulfilling your orders and requests, responding to any comments or questions you submit and/or providing follow-up information about our organization, or analysis to help us better understand our member and supporter base. We may outsource one or more of these functions. We may outsource to third parties one of more of these functions. From time to time, we may send information to you via e-mail from other organizations that we believe may be of interest to you or can provide services that will be of use to you, or we may share your postal address with such organizations. We will not share your email address with other organizations. If you receive an e-mail from us, you may choose not to receive such messages in the future by following the "unsubscribe" link which we put in the footer at the bottom of each e-mail. We provide a similar opt out process in our postal mailings. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us: http://www.nwf.org/contact.

3. Publicly Sharing Your Comments and Stories - National Wildlife Federation often receives information from website visitors who have successfully participated in our programs and/or employed our resources. In certain instances, we would like to publicly share the comments and stories we receive by posting this information on our website. We will not, however, publicly share ANY information we receive on our website without first receiving the express consent of the individual who submitted the information. Furthermore, we will not post information in any way that specifically identifies the sender of that information unless the sender approves it.

4. Children's Information - National Wildlife Federation provides a special place on our web site for children and we encourage parents and guardians to visit this part of our site with their children. We respect the privacy of children, and do not collect any more personal information than reasonably necessary to enable them to participate in the activities we offer at our Web site. We do not have any agreements with outside organizations to collect personal information at our site. The information we collect from children is used to respond to children's specific requests to participate in activities such as:

  • contests or sweepstakes
  • subscription to an online newsletter
  • voting in polls or otherwise expressing an opinion
  • sending electronic greeting cards
  • to tailor/customize the visitor's experience at our site

We do not share children's personal information with anyone other than those who provide support for the internal operations of the Web site and our agents (e.g., contractors who provide fulfillment services or technical support to the Web site). Parents can review the information that we have collected from their children online, prevent the further use or maintenance of such information, or direct the deletion of their children's personal information by emailing us at this address: KidZone@nwf.org.

5. Cookies - A cookie is a small file stored on your hard disk drive. Cookies may contain different types of information such as site preferences and login information. The National Wildlife Federation does not use this cookie to link to personally identifiable information on our site. Cookies expire after a period of time specified in the cookie. This ranges from a few hours to years. Some areas of this site require use of cookies for proper navigation. If a user rejects a cookie, they simply will not be able to use that part of the site effectively.

6. Other Security Measures - We provide our members and supporters with a secure experience when they are ordering memberships, making a donation, or buying nature education merchandise. Our technical security measures include using industry standard 128bit encryption to secure the transfer of data between your browser and our servers. Although we will use all reasonable means to safeguard the privacy of your personal information, transmissions made via the Internet cannot be made absolutely secure.

When our forms ask users to enter sensitive information (such as a credit card number), that information is encrypted and is protected with the best encryption method in the industry -Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). While on a secure page, such as our membership form, the lock icon on the bottom of Web browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer becomes locked, as opposed to un-locked, or open.

National Wildlife Federation reserves the right to amend this policy at any time as needed. We will post changes here, so please check back periodically. Changes will take effect when posted and your continued use of the site will constitute your agreement to the changes. Thank you.

National Wildlife Federation
11100 Wildlife Center Drive
Reston, VA 20190

© 1996-2009 National Wildlife Federation | 11100 Wildlife Center Dr, Reston VA 20190 | 800-822-9919
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