Region 2 Location Map

research, education and extension
Animal Waste Management
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Regional Program Priority
Issue Areas

Animal Waste Management

Drinking Water and Human Health

Nutrient Management

Watershed Management

Regional Initiatives

Animal Waste Management for Small Farms

Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Management

Water Quality Trading

Watershed Management

Water Reuse

Success Stories

Advisory Committee

Programs by State/

Annual Meetings


Previous Page

Regional issue description: The regional program is focusing on the animal waste management needs of smaller farms. While these facilities will not likely be regulated under the US EPA Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) regulations, many of these farms must comply with an array of state and local environmental regulations. To minimize environmental impacts, operators will require educational and technical assistance to develop and implement effective practices for the management and utilization of animal waste and chemical nutrients. The regional program will focus on enhancing the coordination of the resources of the partner institutions and on testing innovative educational approaches. In addition, other water quality projects in this theme area have been funded by CSREES in our region.

Regional contact within the animal waste management priority issue area:

Rafael Davila-Lopez
University of Puerto Rico
P.O. Box 21120
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928
Phone: 787 767-8281
Fax: 787 772-9115
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