US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Economics of site preparation and release treatments using herbicides in Central Georgia

Author: Busby, Rodney L.; Miller, James H.; Edwards, M. Boyd, Jr.

Date: 1998

Source: Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 22(3): 156-161.

Station ID: --

Description: Abstract. Land expectation values (LEV) of site preparation and release treatments using herbicides in central Georgia are calculated and compared Loblolly pine growth and hardwood competition levels were measured at age 6 for the site preparation treatments and age 8 for the release treatments. These measurements were projected to final harvest using the North Carolina State University growth and yield simulator. On six directly comparable sites, site preparation improved land expectation values more than release. When the most profitable treatments on each site were compared, site preparation LEVs {after tax) were more than twice as profitable as release ($403 vs. $188/ac). Veipar L1 and Pronone 10G herbicide treatments increused the land expectation value mostfor site preparcrtion. Arsenal AC and Velpar L provided the highest returns among the herbicides testedfor release.


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Busby, Rodney L.; Miller, James H.; Edwards, M. Boyd, Jr.  1998.  Economics of site preparation and release treatments using herbicides in Central Georgia.   Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 22(3): 156-161.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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