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Title: Revision of the net-winged midges of the genus Blepharicera macquart (diptera: blephariceridae) of eastern North America

Author: Courtney, Gregory W.

Date: 2000

Source: The Entomological Society of Washington No. 23, p. 1-99

Description: The net-winged midges (Diptera: Blephariceridae: Blepharicera Macquart) of eastern North America are revised to include 16 species. Seven new species are described: B. caudata, n. sp., B. chooga, n. sp, B. corniculata, n. sp., B. magna, n. sp., and B. tuberosa, n. sp. from the southern Appalachians; B. gelida, a sp. from the central and southern Appalachians; and B. hispida, n. sp. from the central and northern Appalachians. Previously unknown life stages of B. capitafa Loew, B. cherokea Hogue, B. diminutiva Hogue, and B. separata Alexander species raised from synonymy, are described, and a redescription of adult B. separata is given. Also provided are an overview of blepharicerid natural history, keys to larvae, pupae, and adults of all eastern Blepharicera, and brief discussions of the bionomics and distribution of each species.

Keywords: Blephariceridae, net-winged midges, Blepharicera, Appalachians

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Courtney, Gregory W.  2000.  Revision of the net-winged midges of the genus Blepharicera macquart (diptera: blephariceridae) of eastern North America.   The Entomological Society of Washington No. 23, p. 1-99

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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