US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Dynamic torsional unwinding of southern pine tracheids as observed in the scanning electron microscope

Author: McMillin, C.W.

Date: 1974

Source: Svensk Papperstidning 9(319-321

Description: In previous research on the process for making groundwood in a double-disk refiner, a theoretical stress analysis indicated that tracheids of Pinus taeda L. may fail while under torsional stress and unwind into ribbonlike elements. Such elements provide the coherence necessary for strength development in these pulps. Depending upon their physical state, tracheids may also buckle or shear and yield no ribbons.

Keywords: Mechanical pulps, hip groundwood, tracheids, cell structure, mechanical properties, southern pines, Pinus taeda

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McMillin, C.W.  1974.  Dynamic torsional unwinding of southern pine tracheids as observed in the scanning electron microscope.   Svensk Papperstidning 9(319-321

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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