US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: The economic potential of CT scanners for hardwood sawmills

Author: Hodges, Donald G.; Anderson, Walter C.; McMillin, Charles W.

Date: 1990

Source: Forest Products Journal 40(3):65-69

Description: Research has demonstrated that a knowledge of internal log defects prior to sawing could improve lumber value yields significantly. This study evaluated the potential economic returns from investments in computerized tomographic (CT) scanners to detect internal defects in hardwood logs at southern sawmills. The results indicate that such investments would be profitable for large mills in the region, even with only moderate increases in lumber value yields. For small mills, however, increases in lumber value yields would have to approach 30 percent for returns from an investment in this technology to reach an acceptable rate. Before the potential profitability of a CT scanner at midsize mills can be estimated, more precise information is needed on the cost of a complete scanning system, scanner performance in a mill environment and its effect on production, and the impact of use of a scanner on lumber grade yields.


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Hodges, Donald G.; Anderson, Walter C.; McMillin, Charles W.  1990.  The economic potential of CT scanners for hardwood sawmills.   Forest Products Journal 40(3):65-69

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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