US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Effect of adhesive applied to the tooth-wood interface on metal-plate connections loaded in tension

Author: Groom, Leslie H.

Date: 1991

Source: Forest Products Journal 41(4):33-35

Description: The structural behavior of metal-plate connections (MPCs) is affected not only by the isolated properties of the adjoining wood members and metal plate but also by the interfacial region between individual teeth and the surrounding wood. This study looked at maintaining a good interface by applying an epoxy adhesive to metal-plate teeth immediately preceding joint assembly. Addition of an adhesive layer between the teeth and wood substantially increased MPC stiffness, crttica1 slip, and ultimate load for tensile specimens.


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Groom, Leslie H.  1991.  Effect of adhesive applied to the tooth-wood interface on metal-plate connections loaded in tension.   Forest Products Journal 41(4):33-35

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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