US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Development of the swathe-felling mobile chipper

Author: Koch, P.; Savage, T.E.

Date: 1980

Source: J. of For. 78(1): 17-21

Description: A harvesting machine and auxilary equipment are being developed to recover logging residues us chips for fuel and fiber, and to deliver these chips to mills at ubout $18 per green ton including 30 percent pre-tax profit on the equipment investment. The harvester, a 575 horsepower trucked mobile chipper equipped with a front-mounted felling bar, wus field-tested on red ulder studs (Alnus rubra Bong.) north of Seattle, Washington, during July and August 1979. On the basis of these preliminury tests, the institutions and companies cooperciting in the development huve scheduled extensive southern field triuls for 1980. If the muchine meets its performance goals, it could hurvest 30,000 tons of green cull wood from ubout 1,500 acres annuallv.


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Koch, P.; Savage, T.E.  1980.  Development of the swathe-felling mobile chipper.   J. of For. 78(1): 17-21

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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