US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Update of Forest Service Research Data

Author: Wagner, Terence L.

Date: 2002

Source: In: Southern conference workbook; 2002 February 07-08; Tunica. Dunn Loring, VA: National pest management association: [not paged].

Description: The U.S. Forest Service undertakes research to improve the protection of wood products against subterranean termite damage, define the role of termites in forest ecosystems, and understand their impact on forest health. Specifically, the Wood Products Insect Research Unit concentrates efforts on developing, refining, and assessing new and alternative compounds, materials, and treatment techniques for effective protection against damage caused by termites and on investigating termite biology, ecology, and behavior to promote an understanding of forest ecosystems and efficacy of protection techniques in urban environments. Research is formulated with an understanding that termites play dual roles as pests in urban environments and, conversely, as contributors to forest productivity and health. Their role in forest ecosystems as wood decomposers contributes to soil genesis, fertility, stability, and hydrology -- aspects that are little studied and poorly understood. Their role as wood-product pests is better understood. The cost of controlling termites and repairing their damage is estimated at $2 billion annually in the United States. These losses do not include those incurred by the military or the growing impact from the Formosan termite. Termite control also carries the highest risk for the pest control industry of all categories in urban pest management, and increasing restrictions and cancellations on insecticides make their control less reliable and more costly. For these reasons, the Forest Service


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Wagner, Terence L.  2002.  Update of Forest Service Research Data.   In: Southern conference workbook; 2002 February 07-08; Tunica. Dunn Loring, VA: National pest management association: [not paged].

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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