US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: From peds to paradoxes: Linkages between soil biota and their influences on ecological processes

Author: Coleman, David C.

Date: 2008

Source:  Soil Biology & Biochemistry

Description: Soils and their biota have been studied by a variety of observational and experimental methods that have allowed biologists to infer their structural and functional interactions. Viewing progress made over the last 10 years, it is apparent that an increasing diversity of analytical and chemical methods are providing much more detailed information about feeding preferences and niche overlaps of speciose groups such as oribatid mites.

Keywords: Foodwebs, Biodiversity, Microbes and fauna, Decomposition, Nutrient cycling, Niche dimensions

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Coleman, David C.  2008.  From peds to paradoxes: Linkages between soil biota and their influences on ecological processes.   Soil Biology & Biochemistry

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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