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Publication Information

Title: Dual-cropping loblolly pine for biomass energy and conventional wood products

Author: Scott, D. Andrew; Tiarks, Allan

Date: 2008

Source: South. J. Appl. For., Vol. 32(1): 33-37

Description: Southern pine stands have the potential to provide significant feedstocks for the growing biomass energy and biofuel markets. Although initial feedstocks likely will come from low-value small-diameter trees, understory vegetation, and slash, a sustainable and continuous supply of biomass is necessary to support and grow a wood bioenergy market. As long as solidwood products are more valuable, bioenergy production will not be the primary market for southern pine. A study exploring a dual-cropping system for southern pine bioenergy and solidwood products was begun in 1982 in Louisiana to determine the phosphorus (P) nutritional requirements of the system. Fertilization of 60 kg ha-1 of P was required to produce 90% of the maximum volume at the age of 22 years. Direct-seeding pine in the interrows of a traditional pine plantation produced (lbout 10.2 Mg ha-1 of biomass for energy at the age of 5 years but hod no lasting effect on the planted pine height, diameter, or standing volume. The system is a viable method to produce both bioenergy and solidwood products. Herbaceous competition control and nitrogen (N) fertilization likely would make the system even more productive and profitable.

Keywords: fertilization, phosphorus, competition, stand development

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Scott, D. Andrew; Tiarks, Allan  2008.  Dual-cropping loblolly pine for biomass energy and conventional wood products.   South. J. Appl. For., Vol. 32(1): 33-37

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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