US Forest Service

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Publication Information

Title: Properties of wood from ice-storm damaged loblolly pine trees

Author: Patterson, David W.; Hartly, Jonathan

Date: 2007

Source: Forest Products Journal, Vol. 57(12): 48-51

Description: Fifty-sex trees were harvested to determine the properties of the wood produced by ice-storm damaged trees. There were 12 trees each for three classes of bend: () to 15. 16 to 30. and more than 30 degrees from the vertical. Also. 10 trees were selected for each of two classes of crown loss: 20 percent or less and more than 20 percent loss. Samples were taken from three position in the tree: butt 8 feet up the stem and at the base of the live crown. The variables analyzed were: the amount of compression wood produced, ovendry specific gravity (SG), modulus of rupture, and modulus of clasticity (MOE). The results indicated that the greater the degree of bend, the more compression wood produced, the higher the SG and the lower the MOE. It was recommended that trees with just a partial loss of crown be allowed to grow, but trees with more than 15 to 20 degrees of bend should be harvested.


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Patterson, David W.; Hartly, Jonathan  2007.  Properties of wood from ice-storm damaged loblolly pine trees.   Forest Products Journal, Vol. 57(12): 48-51

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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