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Publication Information

Title: Compatible estimators of the components of change for a rotating panel forest inventory design

Author: Roesch, Francis A.

Date: 2007

Source: Forest Science, Vol. 53(1): 50-62

Description: This article presents two approaches for estimating the components of forest change utilizing data from a rotating panel sample design. One approach uses a variant of the exponentially weighted moving average estimator and the other approach uses mixed estimation. Three general transition models were each combined with a single compatibility model for the mixed estimation approach. The four resulting estimation systems are compared and contrasted in a sample simulation study covering four simulated populations.

Keywords: sampling, simulation, estimating, mortality, harvest

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Roesch, Francis A.  2007.  Compatible estimators of the components of change for a rotating panel forest inventory design.   Forest Science, Vol. 53(1): 50-62

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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