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Publication Information

Title: Global change in forests: responses of species, communities, and biomes

Author: Hansen, Andrew J.; Neilson, Ronald P.; Dale, Virginia H.; Flather, Curtis H.; Iverson, Louis R.; Currie, David J.; Shafer, Sarah; Cook, Rosamonde; Bartlein, Partick J.

Date: 2001

Source: BioScience. 51(9): 765-779.

Description: This article serves as a primer on forest biodiversity as a key component of global change. We first synthesize current knowledge of interactions among climate, land use, and biodiversity. We then summarize the results of new analyses on the potential effects of human-induced climate change on forest biodiversity. Our models project how possible future climates may modify the distributions of environments required by various species, communities, and biomes. Current knowledge, models, and funding did not allow these analyses to examine the population processes (e.g., dispersal, regeneration) that would mediate the responses of organisms to environmental change. It was also not possible to model the important effects of land use, natural disturbance, and other factors on the response of biodiversity to climate change. Despite these limitations, the analyses discussed herein are among the most comprehensive projections of climate change effects on forest biodiversity yet conducted. We conclude with discussions of limitations, research needs, and strategies for coping with potential future global change.


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Hansen, Andrew J.; Neilson, Ronald P.; Dale, Virginia H.; Flather, Curtis H.; Iverson, Louis R.; Currie, David J.; Shafer, Sarah; Cook, Rosamonde; Bartlein, Partick J.  2001.  Global change in forests: responses of species, communities, and biomes.   BioScience. 51(9): 765-779.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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