US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Simulating the impacts of southern pine beetle and fire on the dynamics of xerophytic pine landscapes in the southern Appalachians

Author: Waldron, J.D.; Lafon, C.W.; Coulson, R.N.; Cairns, D.M.; Tchakerian, M.D.; Birt, A.; Klepzig, K.D.

Date: 2007

Source: Applied Vegetation Science, Vol. 10: 53-64

Description: Question: Can fire be used to maintain Yellow pine (Pinus subgenus Diploxylon) stands disturbed by periodic outbreaks of southern pine beetle?
Location: Southern Appalachian Mountains, USA.
Methods: We used LANDIS to model vegetation disturbance and succession on four grids representative of xeric landscapes in the southern Appalachians. Forest dynamics of each landscape were simulated under three disturbance scenarios: southern pine beetle, fire, and southern pine beetle and fire, as well as a no disturbance scenario. We compared trends in the abundance of pine and hardwood functional types as well as individual species.
Results: Yellow pine abundance and open woodland conditions were best maintained by a combination of fire and southern pine beetle disturbance on both low elevation sites as well as mid-elevation ridges & peaks. On mid-elevation SE-W facing slopes, pine woodlands were best maintained by fire alone.
Conclusions: Our simulations suggest that fire can help maintain open pine woodlands in stands affected by southern pine beetle outbreaks.

Keywords: Dendroctonus frontalis, Forest disturbance, forest restoration, LANDIS, landscape modeling, Pinus, vegetation dynamics

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Waldron, J.D.; Lafon, C.W.; Coulson, R.N.; Cairns, D.M.; Tchakerian, M.D.; Birt, A.; Klepzig, K.D.  2007.  Simulating the impacts of southern pine beetle and fire on the dynamics of xerophytic pine landscapes in the southern Appalachians.   Applied Vegetation Science, Vol. 10: 53-64

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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